BA Is Shite

BA Is Shite


The latest news and views on British Airways, the world's "favourite" airline.

Monday 24 September 2007

Punch Up Looming

It looks that there is something of a punch up looming between BAA and BA.

1 comment:

  1. Jan 8th 2008:
    Looks like BA crew will be ballotted for industrial action.
    Rightly so for we should have had the strike in Feb last year - our Management has learned nothing about communication, improving our relationship etc. All they do is throw more corporate bullshit at us - new IFA (appraisals), "service that mattters" slogans, leadership courses and is attempting to change work practice further on-board further adding to an already low morale within our workforce.
    Furthermore, all this bullshit, yet the things which really matter- punctuality, customer baggage continue with blame apportioned to Heathrow. Funny that time after time, we OURSELVES cause OUR OWN delays through staff shortages, lack of committment to customers, becuase we simply do not care and penny pinch. Customers even tell me they can see themselves we are watching our money. Maybe this is why we are the richest carrier in Europe? I don't even think our CEO has a clue how bad things are - I bet he is fed a rosy picture on a daily basis and is totally detached from reality.
    Well enough is enough! It is time to show management how we feel.
    I have never been so disgusted by the treatment we receive and things continue to worsen.
    If you are reading this as an outsider to our company, I encourage you to support us.
    Thanks for reading!
