BA Is Shite

BA Is Shite


The latest news and views on British Airways, the world's "favourite" airline.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

BA Strike Update - Another Week Another Strike

Another working week dawns and, with the depressing inevitability of an unloved season, another BA strike is in "full swing".

As talks are to be resumed between BA and Unite, a background story hints of internal PR sabotage by a disaffected member of staff.

The front cover of LHR News, a staff magazine covering Heathrow Airport, promoted an iPhone boarding pass service showing a ticket belonging to Osama Bin Laden. The sample ticket showed Bin Laden's frequent flyer number, thus implying he is a regular passenger with the airline.

Given that it is highly unlikely that BA's marketing department would be cretinous enough to associate Bin Laden with the BA brand, it is assumed that this "snafu" was the result of an internal act of sabotage by a disaffected member of staff. the latest news and views on British Airways, the world's "favourite" airline. This site contains updates on the ongoing strike action, and dispute between BA and Unite.

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