BA Is Shite

BA Is Shite


The latest news and views on British Airways, the world's "favourite" airline.

Friday 9 May 2008

BA Compromised

Willie Walsh admitted to the Transport Committee on Wednesday that BA had compromised on testing the baggage system.

He is quoted in the Times as saying:

"We believed that, while there were known risks, the opening would be successful.

We didn't supply staff with sufficient training and familiarisation. If we did it again, we would do things differently

BA chose to open T5 then, knowing the risks, because the cost of delay would have far exceeded any costs involved in compensating passengers for a screw up. The negative impact on the reputation of BA, and indeed of the country, was ignored by BA.

It seems to me that, at the very least, BA should remove the word "British" from its name/logo; so as to reduce the damaging impact that its poor reputation has on our country.

BAA, during the same hearing, managed to show the world that they are truly useless as well.

BAA chief executive Colin Matthews said:

"I have not yet made the time available to find out who knew what when."

With Walsh and Matthews left to run the show, as demonstrated by their attitude, it is hardly surprising that T5 is a shambles.

It should be noted that BA still do not have the confidence in T5 to move their long haul flights there yet.

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