BA Is Shite

BA Is Shite


The latest news and views on British Airways, the world's "favourite" airline.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

BA Strike Update - "Shoot That Wanker"

As the BA strike grinds on and on, without any sign of resolution (most especially as the head of Unite has swanned off on holiday to Cyprus) it has been reported that BA First officer Adam Corfield has posted the following entry on his Facebook page:

"Shoot that wanker at the top of Unite!"

International Air Transport Association (IATA) Chief Executive, Giovanni Bisignani, echoed Mr Corfield's sentiments by stating in his opening address at the body's annual meeting on Monday:

"Pilots and crew must come down to earth. Strikes at this time are short-sighted nonsense."

Meanwhile, Willie Walsh (CEO of BA) has stated that he won't back down. the latest news and views on British Airways, the world's "favourite" airline. This site contains updates on the ongoing strike action, and dispute between BA and Unite.

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