Having called off a ballot of its members, because of disunity between Unite and Bassa, Unite have taken a further step backwards from a peaceful resolution of the its seemingly never ending dispute with BA by announcing that it can no longer recommend its deal with BA to its members.
This is a rather humiliating volte face, as it was Unite that actually accepted the deal on behalf of its members (subject to their ratification in a ballot).
Evidently Unite have now lost control of the situation, and BA's management/staff would be well advised to find another route (circumventing Unite) to resolve this absurd dispute.
www.baisshite.com the latest news and views on British Airways, the world's "favourite" airline. This site contains updates on the ongoing strike action, and dispute between BA and Unite.
Part of the deal stipulated that Unite HAD to recommend it or there would be no deal. Only after much investigation into the legal implications and ramifications should the deal be voted in, Unite realised they couldn't in all good faith recommend this to their members.